- Again with the cyclical nature of history, though I suppose we could have seen this one coming, what with the infinite wisdom and tolerance so often displayed by our lovely citizenry: Rebranding Hate in the Age of Obama.
- Say, maybe we can stick the supremacists with these guys: Don't Mess With Texas...Get Rid of It.
- I was heartbroken when ABC canceled Pushing Daisies but if NBC dumps Chuck I might be again. It's quirky, it's fun, it references pop culture. Besides, who else can do a kind of Matrix (the first movie, the best one of the three) homage to end a season and have it be completely believable for the character? How can you not love a show where the main character's Halloween costume is one of the worms from Dune?
- Yet another pre opening day Star Trek article, this one focused on J.J. Abrams: New Team Retrofits Old Starship. I have to say I am a fan of his stuff, mostly Alias I guess. I was loyal to that series to the end and watched Lost for the first couple seasons before college distracted me and now...well, it's a bit daunting of a prospect to try to wade back in. Alias though, that was awesome. Oh, May 8th...coming ever closer but not quite close enough yet.
- So we Democrats get Specter now? Oh...okay...sure...welcome...back?
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