- In times gone by, I actually wasn’t too enamored of the idea of going to a rock concert. I’m not quite sure why, maybe because I always appreciated the CD more or the cleaner sound on a recording. Concerts to me were supposed to be serious things, classical things. And part of me still feels that way. However, now that I have taken the opportunity to go hear one of my favorite artists live here in DC and am doing so again in May, I understand the appeal. Granted, in October there were people in a box down the way from me that were awfully loud and really shouldn’t have been drinking but otherwise, the crowd sort of added to the experience, also the slight changes in how the songs were performed were also welcome. I probably am annoyed at them more because I’ve been taught, my entire life, that you don’t make a scene in a concert. You are quiet; you enjoy the music but do so silently. Probably should stop thinking that way. Anyway, the concert I attended and am attending are in relatively low key venues, the DAR Constitution Hall which is no Verizon Center, which is for the bigger (more bombastic acts, like the recent Britney Spears [bleck, I can’t believe I’m typing her name] offering). Even though I’ve had no problems and have made sure to keep my ticket within reason (under $70 in each case for a seat on the box level) I understand the plight of those in the recent NY Times article In Online Era, Fans Need Digital Smarts to Get Concert Tickets. My mom and sister are lucky enough to get to go to Coldplay later this year in a rather large venue. Their tickets were a couple hundred. DC may not get the really popular shows but at least you can find reasonable tickets for the good stuff.
- Even after walking through jello at my fifth grade fun day/class send off and subsequently swearing it off for, well, years this article makes me hungry for orange jello…maybe in the shape of a castle? Their T-Square Is the Jelly Mold.
- Yay Disney!: A Museum to Show Walt Disney’s Human Side. Yes, I grew up in Orlando and yes we went to Disney World several times a year. It is the happiest place on Earth, after all. I like the spirit of the parks, of the company, of the films. In my leadership class in middle school, I even chose good old Walt as my leader of choice to do a project on. So some stuff may be shady, gives him color. Just look at what the guy created and inspired to be created. Good for you, Mrs. Miller, definitely a museum I’d visit. And if I get to California sometime soon (even if it’s not soon) I totally will.
- Another human portrait of a big historical figure can be found in the op-ed The Origin of Darwin. Three cheers for Darwin. Happy birthday. Well, belated.
- The strange: R. Crumb Zaps the Bible. Genesis via comic strips? Hmm…wonder if he’ll try to make it funny.
- What is wrong with the electorate that we keep having these problems: Ruling Favors Franken in Minnesota Senate Contest I’m all for Franken getting seated in the Senate, I think it’d be great. Well, only because I know he is seriously interested and involved in politics. But seriously, get it over with one way or another people, geez. I apologize for Florida, I have before and can continue to do so, we started this whole mess back in 2000 but that doesn’t mean you should follow our example. It means you really, really shouldn’t. Get it together people, seriously.
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