28 February 2007

Various Interjections That Show Excitement! And Emotion!

I'm in Nebraska Hall for next year!! A lovely four-bedroom apartment with my wonderful companions, Sarah, Stephanie, and Veronica. Something new and yet still on campus for Senior Year which lessens the worries I shall have to face. Hooray!! We got in!!!!! We're all excited. So far, preparations for Senior Year are going quite well. Honors 101 Mentor so I shall have something to do and be involved? Check. Housing so I shall stay on campus and not have to worry about rent? Check. Classes? Err...schedule's not posted! Ha! So not a worry yet. Though I do have to finish up two majors, my Honors requirements and squeeze in that last GenEd. Meh. I have credits coming out my ears so I get to register way early and with the 10 extra Honors credits, totally on the first day.
It may be a rainy/sunny/windy/cloudy day here in London, but I'm dry, warm, in a library, and happy. Today is a good day. Rejoice! For it is Lent...and Friday equals no meat. Thank goodness St. Patrick's Day is a Saturday. :)

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