16 February 2007

24 Hours in Bath

So, in the middle of Reading Week, as I didn't have anything else to do, I decided to go to Bath. I'd read about it in Persuasion and Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen and it was on my list of places to go to, so I went.
I got in around 4, having taken the bus (which they call a coach) from Victoria, and walked the couple blocks to the hostel, checked in, dumped stuff and decided to try to get into a museum. Managed to just make the last entrance to the Roman Baths at 4:30 and went around that until it closed an hour later. Pretty cool actually. In Trier we went to Roman baths as well but that was outside, this was better preserved, probably because it was still in use as a medical thing in the 1800s. Apparently the waters could cure anything. Wasn't medicine funny back then? These days we have antibiotics as a cure-all, they had mineral springs. And blood-letting. Ick. After the museum (and shop) I walked up the main shopping street and had dinner (sausages and mash) at a pub on George St. as it was too dark for anymore picture taking.
The next morning (Valentine's Day, actually though it didn't really feel like it beyond the chocolate selling and roses being carried around) I went up to the Circus and Royal Crescent to take pictures. They're Georgian rowhouses designed by John Wood Sr. and Jr. The Circus is a circle, the same circumference as Stonehenge, and the Royal Crescent is a half-circle. Nice houses, really. Museum of Costume was next then the Jane Austen Center. Then the post office to mail a couple postcards then down the main shopping drag again, killing time before the 4 PM bus back to London.
General thoughts on Bath: it's very redundant. I mean, all the residential streets look the same, as if the entire place was built at the same time. 3 story-tall rowhouses, flat fronts, wide sidewalk, line of parked cars, street, repeat. The houses follow the angle of the road and it's very symmetrical. Giving directions without street names is next to impossible I'd think though. I mean, it's nice that it all looks ordered and neat but it gets boring. Cities are better with a variety of architectural styles, like London or DC. Makes things more interesting. Also, the everything closing at 6 disease reared it's head again. Not much to do after 7 PM if you don't drink or like clubs. But I had a nice little vacation and got some good souvenirs. It's good to be back though.
Happy early Chinese New Year on the 18th! I'm going to Trafalgar Square for the big parade and festival.


Mom said...

You saw more of Bath than we did in 1984. We stayed in some B and B and went down the hill to a pub for dinner. Other than that and the sign in the garage that scared us on our way (that we left our items in the car at our own risk), I don't remember much about the town.

Jennifer said...

I win!