07 February 2007

Huzzah! An Update!

Yes, it's been a while. But life has been getting into a routine and routines are sorta...boring.
It's the end of the first mini-term this week, as in I've been here 5 weeks now. Hard to imagine at times.
Ep and Met lectures are still fuzzy, comprehension-wise, hopefully the tutorials which start in two weeks won't be. Greek Philosophy lectures are still amusing and interesting and I'm learning a lot about James Brown. Oh, and Aristotle. Him too. My weeks have been going like normal. New Hunt's House for wireless on Mondays until 2 when I go over to Strand campus for Greek Philosophy tutorials, the last of which was this past Monday. Tuesday over to the Strand for Ep and Met lecture for an hour then to New Hunt's again until the late afternoon. Wednesdays over to Strand again for Greek lectures then back over to New Hunt's for wireless until the late afternoon again. Thursdays writing the essay until about 1 with every other week laundry to follow or just loafing around the room. Fridays, wireless at New Hunt's. Saturdays, going into the city to check things off the Almighty To Do List. Sundays usually another lazy day. Evenings are spent in the room or in the kitchen socializing. Or going to the sticky bar with people from the floor. Apparently the pub counter is really sticky at St. Christopher's, thus sticky bar. No drinking on my end but the conversation's interesting and the people are great.
Oh, yes, how could I forget? Sleep or activities disturbed at least twice a week due to fire alarms. It's like freshman year at AU on South Side all over again...only colder and five more floors to go down and up. At least the elevators work after an alarm here, not so in Letts.
I've been to Trafalgar Square, Marble Arch, Oxford Street, the National Gallery, Whitehall, Leicester Square, and Notting Hill in the form of the Portobello Road market, which was amazing.
Other than that, there's not much to tell. London is exciting and busy and the free papers have become a fast favorite thing. Even if they have way too much about celebrities and I learned way too much about the Big Brother racism thing. And I don't even know where the nearest tv on the floor is. I'm sure someone must have one but as you have to get a license to watch the few channels there are, I doubt many have one. I miss free cable. AMC. TNT as a network and not a truck company. But, the accents are a plus and I'm enjoying it here. And it's a lovely day, though cold. Life's peachy. :)

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