25 September 2006

A relaxing weekend...

Thursday: full day of class, EU Seminar 1, European Security with Jamie, and EU Seminar 2
Friday: Went to Hillary's homestay to plan Fall Break- we're going to Italy! Flying into Rome and out of Venice. Should be a lot of fun.
Saturday: Went to the Military Museum with Sara then the Welcome Fair, sort of a Brussels/Belgium information fair thing. Saw Jerry there...we were joking when we first gave a woman directions to the building that it'd be something he'd likely be at...and he was. Kind of funny. And there was a random gospel group...made me think if the Blues Brothers.
Sunday: Liege with Sara and Krishna. It was...nice. They had this huge Sunday market going on but we didn't get to wander very much. We tried to find the Glass Museum and failed but we did go to the Museum of Religious Art. But our tour guide didn't or wouldn't speak English so she and Sara had a lovely conversation while Krishna and I looked at stuff. It was shiny...and pretty but it was an odd way to see it, with the lady hovering kind of. We then walked up a very steep hill (and I'm not a hiker type of person) to the Citadel which is really an old brick wall, an obelisk monument, and a hospital. All in all though, we went on a train and it was nice to get out of the city and see more of Beligum.

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