13 September 2006

Brussels Post the Third

Busy past few days on my end, but the weather's been nice and sunny on the whole.
Saturday: Did some reading then went down to the Grand Place to meet up with Hillary. We visited the Coudenberg, a museum of excavated ruins of old buildings on the spot where the Royal Palace now stands, basically a chapel and a palace built for previous rulers of the city before a fire and the buildings were leveled. That was Saturday's highlight.
Sunday: Bruges!!! Jerry gave us a tour then let us loose, so I went with Hillary to the Hospital Museum where they have this box by Memling about St. Ursula. Kinda cool. We went in the Cathedral to see a Pieta by Michelangelo, "a" not "the" because there are several and this one is less...graphic. It's just Mary and a three year old Jesus. Also in the church were statues of the apostles with how they died. Peter with an upside down cross, etc. He's the only one I could pick out. Perhaps Mum would like to help with the rest?
Monday: Two interviews, European Link and C.S.W. (Christian Solidarity Worldwide), my two most promising and interesting interviews. Then the first class with Dr. Jamie Shea, of NATO. He was the spokesman during the thing in 1999, dunno which thing, he told us but I seem to have forgotten. Anyway, he's British and funny and invited us all to lunch with him at NATO! Very cool. Then we had a class on the European Commission followed by my first Living in French class. I miss German and American language education. The former because I find myself remembering more the more I hear French and the latter because the teacher started in French and only spoke a few sentences total in 90 minutes in English. It's how they learn languages, the new language right from the beginning, but I hate feeling stupid at the beginning of a class. So, I can now sorta say my name is Jennifer, I am a student, I am single and have no children (Sara says I can now go on a date and get the important things out of the way first), and that I live in America.
Tuesday: Next two interviews with Bertelsmann Foundation (owners of the a media company with the same name, they own Random House and BMG, I believe) and Costmasters/Mediprotect. The former was great, the secretary was speaking German on the phone, which was great, but the second was disappointing. I was there before the guy was and the work he wanted done would likely take a full time person a year, or at least six months. I'll be interning for about 20 days, I don't have the time to study and understand EU regulation and then apply it to the medical devices industry. The regulation would be interesting, the rest of it, not so much. In the states, you're supposed to start out working to write regulation in the executive agencies then later in your career help companies get around it or understand it. I don't think it would be good for my career to work around things before I help create them. Besides, it's way too hard to get to.
Wednesday: Lotsa free time before my last interview, OCO Consulting. So, I went to hand the letters to the police so they can come make sure we live where we say we do. Only thing is that the address given was way out at the other side of the commune and was the wrong one. They were very helpful and spoke English and told me where to go. But when I got to the correct police station, the person trying to help me didn't speak English. So he found a guy who did and we eventually got it straightened out. But yet another adventure happened in the interim. But I did go into a small Apple store-so now I feel all warm and fuzzy. :) Yes, I am such a nerd about some things.

My next post shall contain everything I did this coming weekend while in Paris! I'm going on a bus with about eight other people and we're all staying in a hostel together. Should be fun if it doesn't rain as I've heard it might. Either way, expect a blow by blow account and pictures!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Uh, never, Dad. A comment! Yay! I'm so proud of you Daddy. I miss German too much to write in French.