21 September 2006

My first couple days of the internship

So, I'm interning at a place called C.S.W., aka Christian Solidarity Worldwide. Sorta like Amnesty International but focusing on religious freedoms with the same country watches and public information campaigns.
Tuesday: Didn't do a whole lot, read different briefings basically learning how not nice it can be in other countries, mostly in the third world. Burma, not so fun. Sudan too. Did research on the Council of Europe.
Wednesday: Didn't have to go in until 10:30! Called a bunch of MEP (Member of European Parliament) offices to see if they got an invitation to a reception being held next week in Strasbourg on religious intolerance. Want to call them? O2 284 + extension, starting with the 7, because you call assistants, not the MEP. Then I did some research on Indonesia's Aceh province and their thing with shari'a law. Also organized photos.
I think it'll be a good time, on the whole. Next week I have off as everyone's traveling and the week after I get to go to committee meetings, which should be a lot of fun. Or just interesting...at least I'm determined that they will be.

On another note, I've made albums on Facebook of all my pictures (well, sorta) so far. But as I've taken over 500...I was selective. Check it out here: http://american.facebook.com/photos.php?id=7402928 If it doesn't work, please let me know and I'll work on getting everyone access.

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