08 September 2006

Belgium vs. the US

Differences encountered so far:
*Plugs have two round prongs instead of our two flat rectangle things
*Belgium has two languages, the speakers of each not really like the speakers of the other
*Belgium has a king and a parliament, we have a president and Congress
*Europe has internet cafes, we have Borders and other WIFI places
*Belgium has small grocery stores, we have huge ones
*Stores close at 6ish but US stores stay open until 11 or so
*Belgium has communes, DC just has areas called different things
*You can't really get skim milk in Belgium, a fact greatly lamented
*Water fountains don't seem to exist really in Belgium, another fact greatly lamented
*An abonnement in Brussels allows you a month of public transportation for a flat rate, DC Metro charges you every trip
*French fries are called frites because Belgians know they were invented in Belgium not in France
*Things normally carried in a CVS are split between a pharmacy (Apotheek or Pharmacie), a grocery store, and Di which sells shampoo and makeup and stuff like that
*Well, Belgium speaks French and Flemish, we speak English

Others will come to me throughout my stay so be aware that these comparisons will continue. For now, au revoir...I think that's how it's spelled...

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