16 October 2006

Last Week and Academic Field Trip 2-Luxembourg and Maastricht

Monday: Long class day with two EU Seminar 1 lectures and a European Security thing with Jamie Shea. Oh, and French. Learned some vocabulary...and such.
Tuesday: Internship day. Wrote some summaries of reports on life in a couple countries. It's not fun to live in either Sudan or Colombia these days.
Wednesday: More internship stuff. Some research on Council press releases for countries CSW cares about. Met the bus at 7 for the trip to Luxembourg. I got there early and everything and then...I realized I forgot my camera. So, any and all pictures you see on Facebook are not mine. I'll try to credit where they're all from. So, frustration set in on the trip right at the beginning.
Thursday: Long day in Luxembourg. Went to Court of Justice for speakers. We were supposed to watch a hearing but it got cancelled on us. Anyway, it was interesting and we got stuff from them. Pamphlets and the like. Then we did a city tour led by Jerry which was pretty cool then we were let loose on our own. I really liked the Cathedral, I think it might even be my favorite so far. The city was quite small, but pretty.
Friday: Tour of the casemates, really long tunnels and such that went under the fortresses on the cliff things. Had openings for cannons and such. We then went to the European Investment Bank. Kinda dry but a very informative and sorta interesting. We then drove to Maastricht.
Saturday: Maastricht! New city, new country. First time in the Netherlands for me. We went to the caves of St. Pietersburg. Really extensive system of tunnels made by stone miners, the stone is softer underground and hardens up outside so it's good for building. It's very pure air and always 50 degrees but has no electric lighting so we used kerosene lamps. We even went through a small section for the "extreme" experience- in the dark with no light whatsoever. So we felt along the walls until we got to the guide and the lamps. I have such a new appreciation for being blind-I don't like it. We then went on a guided city tour. Saw some churches, old buildings, the building where the Maastricht Treaty was signed, linking the city to our classes. We then had free time so I walked around to find souvenirs and found some. :)
Sunday: Bus ride to Tongeren, tried to go to the history museum but it was closed due to construction. So we walked around the antiques market which is massive and sometimes has scary dead animals. But lots of chandeliers, randomly. Then on to Leuven for a Jerry tour of the university and city. Fifth oldest in Europe, you know. Catholic too. Lotsa churches and religious figures as buildings. Saint's body's there too. Damian, he worked with lepers in Hawaii and was cannonized in the 90s. Then back to Brussels. Did laundry and used host family's wireless for the first time!! So family, I can Skype from home now! Woot.
Monday: EU Seminar 2, Defense Economics, EU Seminar 2. Competition Policy, Procurement, and the Budget. Very interesting. Sure.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Well, that makes me feel better but I'm still going to try. No real excuse over fall break-Italy has plenty of churches!