09 October 2006

Glorious Weekend of Nothingness

Well....almost nothing.
Friday: Actually a bit productive but slept for oh, 10 or so hours? At least. I met with my cultural exchange group to talk about US food. Then went for confession as I missed Mass last weekend due to the trip. Then I went back to the house to relax and play the Sims and watch some downloaded TV shows.
Saturday: Went to campus to the use the Internet in the afternoon, went to Mass at a church on Rue Neuve, played Sims.
Sunday: Played Sims, oh, all day. Other random stuff of no consequence.

So really, not productive at all. It was very relaxing. I'll make up for it this next weekend because we're going to Luxembourg and Maastricht. So, short entry because nothing much happened. :)

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