19 October 2006

Internship Days

Tuesday: Fought the wireless computer at work to do some research on UN conventions, finally managed it, sort of, but I played a lot of solitare waiting for it to connect. But I got to make a huge list of un convention signatories and color coded EU countries, accession countries, and EFTA countries. Sorta fun. Went to AUBC for a Jamie optional session but he didn't make it so we all just hung out for about an hour and a half and I read about 98 pages of Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Odd book, but I'm sure it'd make more sense in the movie. I hope.
Wednesday: Sent out over 60 emails about Colombia to a couple Parliament committees, the Commission, and the Council. Got a nice reply from one of them! :) Called me Mrs. Koons though, but how could the MEP know I'm only 20? *shrug* Did some more UN conventin research and watched some Daily Show and Colbert Report over lunch. I was on a better computer, nicer even.

Not much else going on. Weather is still spastic, sunny and rainy, cold yet warm in the sun. Go figure. It feels a bit like fall though, which is nice. :)

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