21 May 2006

Home Sweet Home

Yes, I am back home in sunny Florida. Well, perhaps too sunny due to the fires over in Brevard County. And hot. Ugh. I miss DC weather already. I'm slowly unpacking my stuff. We barely fit everything in the car. It's my own fault for having too many books...and clothes. But I needed stuff for about three different types of weather so it's really not my fault. And I'm a girl, so there you go. I don't start at the courthouse until the 31st, the day after my 20th birthday. Hooray! Almost out of the teens. I'm excited.
Oh, and if you should die today and God asks you why He should let you into heaven, like this rather...annoying evangelist asked my mum yesterday when she was going door to door, tell the person that you'll be praised for not pushing your faith on other people like I would tell Him. Or, my mum's "that's between me and Him". But my advice is to make it witty and pointed.

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