10 May 2006

Chaos...not just a theory

Wow...today was one of the longest desk shifts of my life. Granted, the 8 hour stretch that one time was pretty bad but today's 6 hours, wow. I must have checked about 50 or so people out of their room. And most of them came all at once when I was trying to check out the vacuum and the carts. And usually I was the only one there. Because Housing and Dining decided, oh, after finals is a great time to put everyone on single staffing. Wrong! Luckily the RD and one of the RAs were around a lot to help, at least in the first couple hours. 
But I got to relax by going to dinner with a bunch of people on the floor, which was great. A nice end to a crazy day. And now, I'm already tired! Doesn't seem right. 

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