17 January 2007

First Full Week in London and Then Some

Let's see...what have I been up to since the 5th? As that was my last real post...ah, yes.
Last week:
Monday: Philosophy department meeting, basically finding out what I'll have to do as a JYA (junior year abroad, KCL terminology) student and getting set up with classes. Then I went to my first tutorial for Greek Philosophy, rescheduled for the afternoon from that morning. At King's there are lectures and tutorials. The former are just like classes, only usually conducted as a lecture with little interaction between the lecturer and student, but depending on the professor. Attendance isn't required but as KCL students have exams at the end of the year, lectures help with those. The latter have required attendance and are meant to correspond with the lectures. This semester (until March 23) I have two classes, so two tutorials but the semester is split into mini-terms of 5 weeks each with a reading week in between. The first mini-term I have my Greek Philosophy tutorial and the second my Epistemology and Metaphysics tutorial. Tutorials are more like classes only with about 5 or 6 people total as opposed to 40 or so. It's a discussion-based thing and we have to write an essay a week for it, 1000 words each. I miss writing pages, words are just annoying to keep counting and such.
Tuesday: First Ep & Met (Epistemology and Metaphysics) lecture, and my professor's American. Go figure. Interesting though. Found my way to the Humanities library, Maughan Library, up by the Royal Courts of Justice. And does it look like a library or what! Very nice building on the whole and very useful. Spotty wireless though.
Wednesday: First Greek Philosophy lecture with yet another American. Dr. Adamson's more entertaining though, comparing James Brown to Aristotle (both were hugely influential and did soul stuff). I've a feeling this'll be a good class.
Thursday: Worked on the essay, finished it.
Weekend: Went to New Hunt's House library (NHH) (medical campus, Guy's campus which Wolfson House [my hall] is on) for wireless, stayed all day...sorta. Went to Leicester Square Saturday to try to get a ticket to the matinee of Spamalot, had to settle for the Tuesday matinee instead but got to wander around. Sunday, nothing useful or exciting.
This week:
Monday: Greek tutorial, wireless at NHH library.
Tuesday: Ep and Met, shopping along Oxford Street (my alarm clock died on me but I got a new one that's working fine so far), Spamalot!! It was great! Very funny even though the balcony area is precarious for the vertically challenged (aka, very steep) but I got to move down a few rows due to lack of people in the seats, thus helping my view. Very nice afternoon had by me.
Wednesday (today): Greek lecture in which syllogies were discussed and the Posterior Analytics were discussed utilizing Kermit. Seriously. And a blue chair. Humorous again. Then to NHH library for supposed essay work and internet. And avoiding the rain and wind. :) Twas a good day.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Haha Dad, so funny. Hurricane? Who knew?