05 January 2007

New Year, New Semester, New School, New City, New Country, New Time Zone, New Currency...New Language?

Yep, lots of things are new these days. But to wrap up some things from last year:
I finished the super long paper, not only on time but a day early and I got an A- on it! The end of the semester went fine, I got decent grades and I got home okay. My two weeks at said home were short but satisfying, the holidays were great, it was nice having the dollar back and knowing exactly what things cost.
Now, however...it's 2007 and things have changed, yet again. Good changes, of course, but changes nonetheless.
I'm in a new study abroad program, this one for my other major, Philosophy. I'm at King's College in London. Yep, England. So far, so good. I had to break down and buy a blanket though...my room's just too cold. I've got a single though, with a good amount of storage space for everything so I'm currently pretty organized. And I've got a view too...as I'm on the eighth floor. It's just of other buildings but it's London, so who cares? No wireless, but a campus (yes 'a', as there are several) is nearby and I can (and am) get it there.
Orientation was yesterday and enrolment (their spelling, not mine) was today. There are people from all over the States here. I met people from Vanderbilt (I think), Brown, Georgetown, Washington University St. Louis, GW, University of Pennslyvania, UNC Chapel Hill, and more. There has to be over a 100 of us at least. And people from DC! They miss it as well, though for most, this is their first study abroad, but not all. I hope I see most of them again. I have my ID card and a vague idea of where to go for class, we'll see if it translates into actual knowing next week.
Let's see...what else? Ah, yes. The daily calculation of prices doubled so as to get them close to the dollar, always fun. But again, London so why complain. And there are student discounts available everywhere, apparently. I've settled in okay so far and it'll only get better. A bit windy and grey out all the time and it might be raining right now (correction: it is raining), but it'll be like Brussels only better, so I'm okay. :)
Oh, and by the way, having a big suitcase that fits all your clothes is fine except when said suitcase has a broken handle that you don't discover until you have to use said handle in the airport. Then it becomes annoying and really kills your hands having to drag the thing to the train then out of the train station to the cab then to the residence hall. Luckily we have elevators but my hands are still a bit sore. At least I flew into Gatwick and not Heathrow: no luggage on the Tube for me!
As always, more later.

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