10 June 2006

Mental Wanderings and Long Words

So, while at work this week, filing away, I came across a name of a company suing somebody. They were called Superior Hobbies. So, I got to wondering…do they only stock superior products or do they simply have a snooty idea of what is a ‘superior’ hobby? In addition, does the Superior Hobbies place have an inferior hobbies section to placate the less cultured hobby enthusiast? And if in a parallel universe the store would be called Inferior Hobbies and stock superior goods or still stock inferior goods. Or would they have their own ideas of what is an inferior hobby?

It was after the parallel universe thought that I decided that either I had a really impressive imagination or just that such thoughts were brought on by filing, hours of nothingness, and paper cuts. Either way I’d spent too much time on the thought, though I did manage to pass some time considering the idea that I spent too much on the whole thing. Such is how I
spend my days, until August 11th, at least. I never want to be a secretary unless it’s a title, so that knowledge is something at least. 

Also, fun and very long words:

floccinaucinihilipilification, noun: Estimating something as worthless
antidisestablishmentarianism, noun: opposition to the separation of church and state
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, noun: A lung disease caused by inhaling fine particles of silica., i.e. "black lung"

End note: Ann Coulter needs to get over herself. Or simply fade out of existence, taking her narrow minded, nonsensical ideas with her. And that is the end of my soapbox rant for today.

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