18 June 2006

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day. A few more gray hares from me. <- my father's day card to my dad. It had gray bunnies on the front. It was his kind of joke.
We're up in Gainesville, FL visiting my grandparents today. They moved about a year and a half or so ago to this retirement community, Oak Hammock, from Frederick, MD. I've decided I really am happy for them because their leaving the area meant I am less homesick at school, more independent, more social, and more self-reliant. I liked their house though....and the city. Anyway. Gainesville's the home of the University of Florida, UF to the Floridians. Sprawling mass of a school with about 48,000 people attending in a given semester. The city's population (normal) is about 50,000. Thus, the apartment complex on every corner around here for the students. I like my smaller school. :)
Not too much else going on for me...working, filing and the like. Typing envelopes on a typewriter! It's kind of fun...quite loud but makes me appreciate computers all the more. And my iPod helps keep away the boredom and some of the mental wanderings while filing. I'm too efficient at it though...I get done far too quickly and things don't pile up fast enough. And I can't just sit around until they do pile up again. More's the pity.
My mum's birthday is this coming Sunday. We're going to the beach. One would normally think that for a person living in Florida, thus an hour and a half or so away from the beach most of the time, the beach would be a nice place to go. Not so much for me. I think it's the sand. Or the sunscreen thing. Or the heat. Either way, I'm not a big fan. So, I'll bring a book and just read. The week after that is the 4th of July. I don't have to work that day, which is nice, but I do have to work the day before. And we're going to the beach again. But my dad always has a concert he has to play on the 4th so at least they'll do the beach thing while I'm not there. Then it's Pirates time. The movie comes out on my dad's birthday. He's well aware that we'll be going to see it that day. He's voiced no objections so if he has any...well...whatever.
Other than the holidays coming up, not much is going on. Work, blah, meeting a friend to go to the local fitness room, yadda yadda...going through DVDs the family has acquired in my absence, fun.
So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodnight. Adieu, adieu, to you and you and you.
So fine. I watched the Sound of Music yesterday. I'm also trying to pick up a bit of French for Brussels. It's slow going.

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