03 August 2009

Musings, Part FF

- Generation Y - They're 20-Something and Already Nostalgic True, I suppose...ah, the 90s.
Down With Presidential Birthright Seriously people? This is how you decide to attack him? For the love of everything holy...
Film Food, Ready for It’s ‘Bon Appetit’ Again, I picked the wrong career field. If only I was a decent cook….and baked for show rather than to eat.
Reimagining Fahrenheit 451 As a Graphic Novel This might actually work…
Full Stomachs, and Full Marriages Too When and if I get married, I’d like my husband to be as supportive of me as Paul Child was of Julia.
Twittergraphy I think I’m going to have to start using some of these. Roselite.
On Hollywood’s Strong, Self-Hating Women So, I know you can read a lot into a movie or TV show. Believe me, I blathered (well, not blathered, wrote rather well really) on for 100 pages based off of a few month’s research for my capstone that was all about what was in (I decided) some films and a couple TV shows. Yeah, I like romantic comedies and no I haven’t seen the films mentioned in this article but do I agree with it? That’d be a definite yes. Why can’t we have a movie where the woman is a strong character and the guy’s a strong character and both soften a little? Oh wait…that’s Pride and Prejudice…and You’ve Got Mail…But why does everything have to be Taming of the Shrew? What about Much Ado About Nothing? Beatrice doesn’t really give in or become less than herself, you know she was just covering the attraction to begin with, all she had to do was admit it, same with Benedict. Literature seemingly has ruined me for modern romantic comedies. Whatever shall I do? Delight in my feminist ways, I suppose.

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