20 July 2009

Musings, Part EE

-Walter Cronkite, The Nation’s Narrator, Dies at 92 Not Uncle Walter! I still remember him from the old Disney MGM (before they changed the name of the park and the whole intro) Animation Tour introduction film with Robin Williams. Sad times, but at least he got to live a full life.
-Nancy Drew! How cool is Sotomayor for mentioning her as an influence? Yeah, she might be a little unrealistic but it’s Nancy Drew…she’s too awesome for flaws. Too much style for it. And I want her car. And the infinitely understanding boyfriend might be nice too.
Nancy Drew’s Granddaughters
-And of course, all the Apollo 11 coverage for today’s anniversary. As Robert Heinlein wrote, the moon may be a harsh mistress but she sure looks pretty from here.
-Book Review of Rocket Men.
Suspenseful, Surprising Space Race History
From Buzz Aldrin’s perspective: Aldrin Reflects on Life After Moon Mission Goes to show, if you become famous for doing your job and really aren’t used to any kind of public attention, it can get to you. Fame takes its toll. Still though…he got to walk on the moon.
A Small Step to the Moon, A Giant Leap to Mars That is one of the quirks of life, you always hear about the big stuff…but something basic like a spacesuit that’ll keep you alive? Not so much. The vehicle itself, sure. Not the other stuff. Go figure.
NY Times:
Mission to the Moon
When NASA Defined Long Island We actually watched the section of From the Earth to the Moon about Grumman in my CON 100 class because it does a good job of showing the contractor/government relationship and the whole contract process, albeit from the contractor perspective. Still, yay Lunar Module.
To the Moon, Buzz! Apollo 11 at 40
- Other
Space stuff.
Washington Post:
- From (sorta) Neil Armstrong’s perspective:
One Step Was Plenty
On Anniversary of Moonwalk, Apollo Astronauts Debate Financial Restraints I really don’t understand those who say we’re spending too much on the space program. Don’t people know this is the next Manifest Destiny? Well, that and I suppose going to the depths of the ocean but really, the Earth is kinda boring these days, what with how we’re destroying it and stuff. Oh, and every action movie seeks to do the same, see the trailer for 2012 for evidence. Anything that’s anything gets destroyed in that one. Good times. Seriously though. Final frontier, people.

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