10 June 2009

Musings, Part CC

- Colbert's guest editing Newsweek to coincide with his trip to Baghdad to do his show. Pretty cool and should be a funny issue, well...his insertions at least. Whose Bright Idea Was This?. Why I Took This Crummy Job. A Reader's Guide to the Colbert Issue.
- Now I have to go to New York....
A MoMA Retrospective of Tim Burton's Career.
- So, sad but true: shots fired in DC...not that big of a deal/not surprising/not really news. Shots fired in downtown? That's news and slightly more worrisome, especially near the Mall. But shots fired at the Holocaust Museum? Now that's really not good. I wonder what brand of whackjob it will be this time.
2 People Shot at the US Holocaust Museum.
Update: And white supremacist wins! You can always count on them for the crazy and the whole really helping their cause by being crazy. Good job whackjob, way to live up to the stereotype. Two thumbs, way up.

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