28 March 2009

Musings, Part C

- It takes all kinds: The Oddest Book Titles Have Their Aficionados, Too. What I want to know is if the How to Avoid Huge Ships is available for my Kindle. I’d even take the Waterproofing Your Child or People Who Don’t Know They’re Dead: How They Attach Themselves to Unsuspecting Bystanders and What to Do About It. For the latter, hasn’t that been covered in countless horror/thriller flicks, notably The Sixth Sense?

- I love musicals. I’m impressed by them, when written well I find myself humming the tunes and getting the soundtracks. Sometimes things are really better when random/not so random musical numbers are added in. However, why make one out of Little Women? I guess it could work but why would you do it? There’s nothing wrong with leaving Little Women to the book and the movie versions. I haven’t yet seen the earlier version(s) but I really enjoyed the Winona Ryder one in the 90s. Christian Bale was in it, with longer hair and a happier disposition to his character, Gabriel Byrne, a much younger Claire Danes and Kirsten Dunst before both got big. And Susan Sarandon as Marmie? Excellent.

- Democracy has color. Perhaps one of the best illustrations I've found recently of this is the blog And the Pursuit of Happiness with it’s entry on
Alexis de Tocqueville Mixing history, a description of a Vermont town’s town hall and a student council meeting in the Bronx it gets at a pretty good description of the character of democracy, it is personal, it is colorful, it is vibrant, and yes, it can be used for everything from lunch to nuclear power plants. And the illustrations remind me of books I read as a kid. Like the Hundred Dresses or that one book about the bridge in NYC as a necklace because the girl could fly or something. Something like that. She has done children’s books…just not the ones I remember.

- People are lovely:
Kansas Church Says It Will Protest at Whitman High in MoCo Seriously? Doesn’t this church have something else to do? The only thing the name of a school can lead it is maybe a leg up professionally if you go to a nationally recognized one. Otherwise, a school is a school. And Walt Whitman? One of the country’s best poets ever. You people need to grow up.
- Finally, something unites my love of movies with my love of Legos:
Lego Movie Stills/. The Blues Brothers dance in the church one has to be my favorite. The find is all thanks to Pop Vox, Newsweek’s entertainment blog. Who knew blogs were so useful in finding weird, random stuff? Yes, that would be apparently everybody.

- It’s Cherry Blossom season (well, few weeks) here in DC. The Tidal Basin turns into the picturesque area you always see in pictures, not that it isn’t pretty otherwise it’s just that the flowering trees add so much to the picture that it’s like a whole other area during the season. For allergy sufferers like myself it depends on the day, sometimes, whether you shake your fist at the trees or welcome them with open arms. We’ll see how it goes on my end. At any rate, cheers Japan.

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