12 December 2006

Finally, the First Week of December...And then some...

Saturday: Met some people at the Grand Place for the Christmas Market, went to a Chopin concert with same group-really good
Sunday: Not much, Mass, procrastination via the Sims, studied for Defense Economics, typed paper outline
Monday: Class day, French study guide made us sad-it's bad when you can't even understand the study guide...
Tuesday: Internship. Want to know anything about Turkmenistan? I'm your girl. Great place to live...if you like an eccentric (insane) president, if you have a government job (because you get nice housing) that has nothing to do with agriculture because if it did the president would be mad at you, and if well...that's about it. Oh, if you're the president, you're good too.
Wednesday: St. Nicholas Day!! Opened my ornament from mom, Internship again. More Turkmenistan followed by Uzbekistan, another fun happy place. Up to 5 and a half pages on the paper!
Thursday: SHAPE, the planning section of NATO, out in Mons. Pretty interesting, our speaker was a British Royal Navy guy so he had a great accent and was pretty funny too. Honest too. European Security class, studying for the final. Throat started feeling rough though...
Friday: Defense Economics final. I think it went okay, we'd gotten the questions ahead of time and I wrote what I knew, so I think it went okay. Beginning to get sick-lots of sneezing.
Saturday: Officially sick-it's a cold. Wrote some then went downtown for some final shopping at the market and various stores. More writing but feeling atrocious.
Sunday: Monschau, Germany! Feeling better too. Christmas Market! It was nice, although very cold which was solved with multiple hot chocolates. I got some nice glass but sadly no wood ornaments. I guess they are really a southern Germany thing, or at least not a Monschau thing. After the trip we went to Jerry's for a Christmas tree lighting gathering and pizza. We sang Christmas carols too and it was really nice. We had fun and got to see Jerry's house.
Monday: Last class day, so a bit sad. Sorta. French final...we think we passed...more writing. Up to 15 pages!
Tuesday: Last day of the internship. Marie and Joanna took me out to a really nice Italian place for lunch and got me chocolates from Pierre Marcolini. Nice packaging-better than Godiva even because it's all black and silver. Ooo. More writing, up to about 17 now with 3 sections left, and that's including the conclusion. Woot!

By the way, I don't think I'll be able to get around to posting pictures in Facebook...at least not until I'm home or in London. So, I'll post them eventually just be patient.

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