20 February 2006

It's a bird...it's a plane...it's an update!

That's right, a new post. Amazing. In the time since I last wrote, several things have happened:
>my computer's hard drive failed on me thus losing, oh, about a year and a half of my life. But I'm not bitter anymore. Oh, no. Over it completely. (note sarcasm)
>the semester ended and a new one begun. Plenty of reading, a couple days of no class but work to make up for it.
>application to study abroad started. I'm slowly working through the process.
>lost a roommate, gained a new one. I actually talk to this one. It's amazing to have a roommate that you can talk to about stuff. It's new and different for me, a very welcome change, I assure you.
>Olympics started. The only sports I actually watch with any sort of enthusiasm. Well, lots of enthusiasm. Curling is really, kind of cool to watch. This rock thing, sliding across the ice, looking like a teapot, and people sweeping the ice to get it to move faster or in a certain way. Glorified shuffleboard. Awesome.

Other fun stuff happened too, but this was the big stuff. All is well with me, just keeping busy and having fun.

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