25 September 2005

Flying Spaghetti Monster

That's right. Flying Spaghett Monster. As a response to this whole silly intelligent design issue, a genius has created a site, www.venganza.org, dedicated to the FSM. Because, as he points out, who says the intelligent creator has to be a being in a human form? Why can't it be the FSM? And if ID is going to be taught in schools next to REAL science, then the FSM should get a mention as well. I first saw an article in the New York Times about the FSM and couldn't stop laughing. It's on my wall right now, next to my desk, ready to give me a laugh when I need it in the middle of Behavior Principles reading or equally dull pursuits. Yeah, I'm Catholic and all, but I believe in evolution, if anyone can believe in the truth. Maybe intelligent design just explains that a supreme being got the whole shebang started, but that doesn't mean it has a place in a science classroom where cold, hard, facts are taught. Religion has no place in a science classroom nor a science textbook. True, the two can be reconciled, I do it all the time, but I place science above religion in terms of truth about the world. ID is sort of referring back to deism, the whole "Clockmaker" thing where a being got the universe going according to some rules and let it run itself. Sometimes I think deists have it right with everything going on in the world sometimes. Besides, if the argument is that evolution doesn't jive with the whole seven days thing, well, how long is a day to God?

15 September 2005


So, as I was sitting in Civil Rights and Liberties today, Professor Ivers brought up an interesting point. When you ask someone where they're from, they often mention a geographic quadrant of a state. He used Pennsylvania as an example, but since I'm from Florida, my thoughts turned to my state. Beyond all the stuff it's known for, Mickey, oranges, depressing election problems, I was thinking about how I define where I'm from. First, Florida. Then perhaps Central Florida, then perhaps "near Orlando" then, 45 minutes northeast from Disney World (more if there's traffic). Then, maybe, dear old Oviedo, the actual town name. So, I got to thinking and determined Florida, beyond having just the quadrants, Panhandle, North, Central, and South, also uses the coasts, so you've still got the Panhandle, or West or East Coast. So, I'm on the East Coast side of Orlando in Central Florida. At any rate, just a thought.

07 September 2005


Originally uploaded by gcsilmoldor.
Here's me with John Glenn last year when he spoke for a KPU event!

Post Number 1

Yep, creative title. At any rate, here it is, post number 1. I don't know how many of these will pop into existence. Likely when I have the time or inclination, hopefully both at once. But this may be a good venue for some public airings of thoughts somebody else must be thinking out there.